California Condor (Gymnogyps califorianus)

Adult: Very large raptor with very long wings, large head, large beak and featherless head. Sexes are alike. Yellow-pink wrinkly skinned head. Completely black body with little white on the wings. Gray legs, black beak, pink cere and red-brown eyes. Juvenile: Like adult except completely dark gray featherless head. Flight: Broad wings and fan-shaped tail. Soars for hours on several deep wingbeats. Habitat: Scrubby chaparral, coniferous forests, oak savannas and canyons. Range: Reintroduced to Grand Canyon from Utah down, south of San Jose, northern of Los Angeles and mountains of central Baja California. Voice: Hisses and snorts but usually silent. Chicks hiss, grunt and wheezes. Size: 46 to 54 inches long, 90 to 114 inch wingspan. Subspecies: Monotypic. Similar Species: None, very distinguishable.